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Using the Unique Valor Blend

Using the Unique Valor Blend
Valor is a beautiful oil blend that has many applications.
It’s most notable attribute is its ability to balance and
align the physical body.
Valor is a very unique oil blend that you will only find at
Young Living Essential Oils. It is one of the first oil blends
I recommend you try especially if you are a natural health
practitioner or a massage therapist.

Valor is also good for balancing the electrical energies of
the body. It is the first oil used in the Raindrop Technique.
It is wonderful for massage therapists. Use it on the feet
first. Let it work for 5-10 minutes before you start the
massage, then massage 5 or 6 drops into the back.

There are times when more than one oil is needed to help the
body restore proper balance. These oils, masterfully blended
by Gary Young, create a synergy not available in single oils.
Oil molecules vibrate at frequencies that match those found
in the body. When the body is out of balance, oil blends help
the cells resonate at proper frequencies and restore stability.

Many chiropractors have found that rubbing Valor on the feet,
before a chiropractic adjustment may help facilitate skeletal
system alignment.

“I made an interesting discovery about skeletal alignment
with a formula I made called Valor. I made the discovery
while applying it to the bottom of a person’s feet. Valor
has a very low frequency of 47 Hz, which works with the
skeletal frequency of the bones. The bones have an electrical
frequency of 45 Hz. These frequencies together allow the
muscles and tendons to relax and the bones and vertebrae to
move and self-correct the skeletal alignment.”
– From Aromatherapy The Essential Beginning,
by D. Gary Young (pgs 30 & 31)

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Experiences with Valor

I have been a Young Living Essential Oils member for over 20 years,
since 1997! One of the very first oils I like to recommend to my
associates is our very unique blend “Valor.” It is awesome just
as a perfume. It just feels good, to smell so good with Valor.

Here is how I use Valor:
First: I balanced myself on the feet with Valor… 6 drops each foot.

Second: I put about 3 drops of Valor on my lower back, bottom of
spine, and 3 more drops at the base of my neck.

Valor is one of my favorite oil blends. It has often been called,
“Chiropractor in a Bottle.” If you haven’t experienced it yet,
you are missing a really special oil blend.

Valor is one of the oils that everyone should use. On the
emotional level it helps with courage, strength and confidence.
If you haven’t tried it yet, give it a try.

Give Valor a try, You’ll love it!

Valor 15 ml. Order Code #3429

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See what others say about Valor:
Valor Testimonials

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